In its bid to quell the growing issue of fake documents circulating in the country, the government has established various measures to address the issue in specific industries.
However, the problem does not only seem to be entirely work-related, as a number of citizens have turned into this illegal practice for their personal benefit which takes advantage of the citizen services offered by the government to help populations that are deemed incapable of supporting themselves.

Fake Disability Records Screened, Relayed to Public Prosecution
In a statement by the Minister of Social Affairs Saad Al-Kharraz shared that there have been 23 cases of fake disability documents that were relayed to the public prosecution, as shared in a report by the Kuwait Times.
According to the press statement, the minister shared that a number of employees at the Public Authority of the Disabled have been referred to the Public Prosecution for their alleged involvement in forging disability documents for individuals so that they would benefit from the privileges granted to this sector of society.
Discrepancies have been noted during the process of digitizing and archiving these documents, which revealed the involvement of ministry employees, as well as the discovery of violations.
As per Minister Kharraz, the public authority will coordinate with other state entities to safeguard the public treasury and to make sure that only the rightful and deserving individuals will gain access to the support and benefits offered by the government.
Though the number of records involved in this issue may appear low, but the threat of corruption and power abuse is there at the expense of those people who are truly in need of the help being offered by the government. And while investigations are still on-going, it’s important to know that the government is doing concrete actions in order to address the issue regarding counterfeit documents across all sectors of society.