Services by the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait Overseas Labor Office

Kuwait is also one of the major countries in the Middle East where we have many OFWs currently residing in. If you happen to be in this country and you wish to process any Philippine government related documents, you can go directly to the Philippine Embassy Kuwait to help you out.

Pinoys should know where our office is located as this is where you can get assistance from our Phil government.

kuwait philippine embassy

Services by the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait

These are the services that you can take advantage.

Services Offered:

  1. Passport – Application for New Born / Renewal / Replacement / Amendment
  2. Visa Application – Can you help you with all kinds of Visa to the Philippines
  3. Report for Birth or Marriage
  4. Solemnization of Marriages between Filipinos only
  5. Authentication Services

You can contact the Philippine Embassy Kuwait for any Labor-related issues on the details below for other inquiries:

The Philippine Embassy Kuwait
Address: Block 6, Villa 153 Nouman Bin Basher St. corner Damascus St. Faiha, State of Kuwait
P.O. Box 26288 Safat 13123 State of Kuwait
Telephone No.: (+965) 2252-8422; 2251-1806 Hotline Number: (+965) – 5595-2909
Fax No.: (+965) 2251-1805
Office Hours: Sunday to Thursday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm (Except Holidays)

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