In its bid to enhance traffic and safety systems, the government taps onto innovative technology-based measures which have proven to be of great aid in reporting crimes and illegal activities in the city.
Whether it be isolating simple traffic violations or tracking movement of suspicious entities in the city, the government has worked to come up with a solution to address this all for the safety and security of the residents as well as those who use the city’s public roads and highways.
Gov’t Bolsters Safety Watch by Deploying 18 Speed Camera-Equipped Vehicles
Interior Ministry’s Assistant Undersecretary for Traffic and Operations Affairs Maj Gen Jamal Al-Sayegh announced the launch of 18 vehicles fitted with mobile speed cameras on main and side roads on Monday (January 7), as shared in a report by the Kuwait Times.
At the same time, Al-Sayegh also launched a point-to-point (P2P) system along Abdaly Road to detect speed limit violations which is set to become operational from January 20 onwards.
Operations Director at the Traffic Department Col Yousuf Al-Khaddah shared an explanation regarding mobile speed camera vehicles and how these are able to check the speed of vehicles while moving or in place, and how license plate numbers can be identified and captured by this new system.
In addition to this, Al-Khaddah detailed the intricate workings of the P2P system and how this is able to check and film all inbound and outbound vehicles from the city.
With a new system set in place, authorities will have an easier time to monitor the roads within the city, and to identify areas where more violations take place. This is also essential in promoting safety in the city, as the new system is capable of tracking crucial vehicle information such as driving speed, appearance, but most importantly plate numbers – which can be used for many purposes related to safety and crime reduction.